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O noua tabara de voluntariat SCI-RO

Dupa succesul de anul trecut vom organiza a doua editie a taberei de voluntariat (workcamp) in Teisani-Olteni (Jud. Prahova). Intre 12 si 26 August un grup international de voluntari va lucra impreuna cu un grup de copii din sat pentru organizarea unui festival cultural local....

We’re back :)

After a short pause to rethink our strategies and recharge our batteries , SCI-RO is back with a fresh perspective and lots of energy. For this summer we are organizing a camp in Teisani, a small village where the volunteers will work with children to study the evolution of...

Rosia Montana needs YOU this year, too! 28 July- 10 August 2014

On July 28th, 2014, SCI Romania starts the 3rd edition of the workcamp in Rosia Montana, aiming to continue the specific restoration of traditional houses, churches or parks.  Rosia Montana is a well preserved mining village located in Transylvania, in the heart of th...

Festivalul Drumetii Montane 1-3 August 2014, Cheile Butii Hunedoara

“In anul 2014 fa o ascensiune  la 2014 m, pe varful Piatra Iorgovanului, locul de odihna al invingatorilor!” Organizat de niste tineri foarte ambitiosi si energici din Asociatia Drumetii Montane, acest festival isi propune sa reuneasca iubitorii muntelui si pasionatii...

Last prisoner story – International youth exchange Konstantinovka Ukraine 2014

UPDATE: Due to the unfavorable and unpredictable situation in Donetsk, this project will be postponed. We will keep you informed regarding the new dates for this exchange. World war II and its impact on Europe and the world is still felt and significant – from research on Nazi...

Leader in Volunteerland -Training for campleaders

Lviv, Ukraine, May 4-10, 2014 Call for Participants Following the white rabbit down the hole to discover Volunteerland, tips and tricks for leadership in international youth and volunteer project Workcamps have central place in the activities of SCI and Alliance, and each...

“Universal Youth Village” Youth Exchange Chisinau, Moldova, 04-15 of May 2014

Dragi voluntari, Vă invităm să aplicați pentru proiectul internațional “Universal Youth Village” Youth Exchange Chisinau, Moldova, 04-15 of May 2014Proiectul are drept scop sa aduca impreuna tinerii din Moldova, Ucraina, Romania, Bulgaria si Armenia prin arta si...

Gender Street Performance

Va invitam sa participati la proiectul Gender Street Performance in Poznan, Polonia, care se desfasoara intre 17 si 26 septembrie. Participantii, cu varsta intre 18 si 25 de ani, vor crea si apoi interpreta scenete scurte de teatru stradal pentru a atrage atentia asupra rolurilor...

Internship SCI-RO

Service Civil International cauta coordonator pentru activitatea de plasare a voluntarilor, in sezonul 2012. Responsabilitati : Coordonarea procesului de plasare a voluntarilor in tabere internationale

Caravana Pacii

SCI Romania va invita la Caravana Pacii, un proiect ce se va desfasura timp de 3 luni (Iulie-Septembrie 2012) in mai multe tari de pe continentul european avand ca scop promovarea pacii. Pentru mai multe detalii consultati documentul de mai jos.